Bureau of Economic Analysis

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Application Details

This page shows applications submitted since December 8, 2022.
Under Review
0 / 6
Changes Needed
0 / 6
5 / 6
Not Approved
1 / 6

About the Agency

The Bureau of Economic Analysis is the world's trusted, impartial source of comprehensive data about the U.S. economy. BEA's economic statistics, free and accessible to all, inform decision making by businesses, entrepreneurs, households, and governments. Our mission is to promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing timely, relevant, and accurate economic data in an objective and cost-effective manner.

As part of BEA's work producing international trade and investment statistics, BEA collects company data that must be kept confidential by law. Specifically, BEA collects company data about foreign direct investment, the activities of multinational enterprises, and international trade in services. BEA recognizes a public interest in research using the company data we collect. Outside researchers who are U.S. citizens can apply to use BEA's company data for analytical and statistical purposes under strict guidelines to ensure confidentiality.

When preparing an application to use BEA company data, familiarize yourself with the scope of the available survey data and other important information about accessing the data resources in the SAP data catalog and at BEA Special Sworn Researcher Program.

For more information on preparing an application to use Bureau of Economic Analysis company data, email specialswornresearch@bea.gov.

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 06:15 AM EST

Applications that are currently in this agency's review queue, including both first-time submissions and applications that have been revised and were resubmitted.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 06:15 AM EST

Applications that were returned to the applicant for changes during the review process and have not yet been resubmitted to this agency for additional review.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 06:15 AM EST

Projects for which data use has been approved by this agency.

IDProject Title Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 06:15 AM EST

Applications that did not meet the criteria for using restricted data from this agency. Clicking the "Application ID: #" links will show the specific criteria that were not met.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status