This page shows applications submitted since December 8, 2022.
Under Review
2 / 177
Changes Needed
0 / 177
34 / 177
Not Approved
141 / 177
About the Agency
The mission of Statistics of Income (SOI) is to formulate and execute the statistical
policies, practices, and programs of the Internal Revenue Service. We collect,
analyze, safeguard, and disseminate information on Federal taxation in support of tax
administration, economic policy development, and financial analysis; we serve a broad
range of users in the IRS, the Federal government, the public, and the nonprofit
sectors; we provide statistical support within the Service for a broad range of
program evaluation and measurement analytics; and we lead efforts to modernize Federal
statistical programs and practices through engagement with the Federal statistical
The goals of the SOI Joint Statistical Research Program are to provide new
understandings of taxpayer behavior that aid in administering the U.S. tax system and
new insights and understandings of the ways that existing tax policies affect
individuals, businesses, and the economy. To that end, IRS researchers are matched
with qualified researchers outside the Federal Government with the expectation that
the projects will lead to developing new datasets useful for future tax administration
research, tabulations that can be released to the public, and published articles that
discuss the research results, versions of which will be released as working papers on
Tax Stats.
Applications that are currently in this agency's review queue, including both first-time submissions and applications that have been revised and were resubmitted.
* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.
Project Title *
Requested Data
Application Received
No applications in this status
Application Details
Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:55 AM EST
Applications that were returned to the applicant for changes during the review process and have not yet been resubmitted to this agency for additional review.
* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.
Project Title *
Requested Data
Application Received
No applications in this status
Application Details
Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:55 AM EST
Projects for which data use has been approved by this agency.
Project Title
Requested Data
Application Received
No applications in this status
Application Details
Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:55 AM EST
Applications that did not meet the criteria for using restricted data from this agency. Clicking the "Application ID: #" links will show the specific criteria that were not met.
* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.