U. S. Census Bureau

U. S. Census Bureau

Application Details

This page shows applications submitted since December 8, 2022.
Under Review
58 / 202
Changes Needed
9 / 202
117 / 202
Not Approved
18 / 202

About the Agency

The U.S. Census Bureau is the nation’s largest federal statistical agency employing more than 4,000 employees around the country. Our mission is to serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The U.S. Census Bureau is housed under the Department of Commerce, with its headquarters located in the Washington D.C. area and with regional offices across the country.

The Census Bureau is authorized under Title 13 U.S.C. to collect data for statistical purposes from a variety of sources including censuses, surveys, and administrative records from federal agencies and states. The Census Bureau has a robust research program and partners with other federal agencies and university faculty across the country. Census Bureau researchers explore innovative ways to conduct surveys, increase respondent participation, reduce costs, and improve accuracy while also contributing to a greater understanding of our society and the economy.

To accelerate the proposal process and improve the likelihood of approval, FSRDC administrators are available to assist applicants in the preparation of their proposal for submission. These Census Bureau staff members can guide you through data discovery, proposal development, and answer any questions you may have. To find an FSRDC administrator near you, please go to https://www.census.gov/about/adrm/fsrdc/contact.html (opens in new tab). If you are unsure which FSRDC to contact or have a general question, please reach out to the Census Bureau at ced.fsrdc.info@census.gov.'

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:33 AM EST

Applications that are currently in this agency's review queue, including both first-time submissions and applications that have been revised and were resubmitted.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:33 AM EST

Applications that were returned to the applicant for changes during the review process and have not yet been resubmitted to this agency for additional review.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:33 AM EST

Projects for which data use has been approved by this agency.

IDProject Title Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status

Application Details

Current as of 01/20/2025, 07:33 AM EST

Applications that did not meet the criteria for using restricted data from this agency. Clicking the "Application ID: #" links will show the specific criteria that were not met.

* Titles are displayed only for projects that have been approved; all others display the application ID number.

IDProject Title *Requested DataApplication ReceivedDetermination
No applications in this status