Metadata: Identification and Summary
Business Dynamic Statistics
Alternative title
The Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) product has been produced by the Center for Economic Studies (CES) since 2009. A tabulation of the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), these tables report job creation and destruction and establishment openings and closings, stratified by many firm characteristics such as age, size, geography and industry. The great strength of the BDS is its rich detail. The tables include geographic information down to the county-level and, separately, industry classification down to the 4-digit NAICS level. From the BDS, we learn where in the country jobs are being created or destroyed and what industries are growing or shrinking. We also learn where and in what sectors new businesses are forming and older businesses are shrinking or closing. The BDS is released every year in September, with the latest version covering the years 1976-2020.
BDS data tables show key economic data:
Employment - job creation and destruction
Job expansions and contractions
Number of establishments and firms
Establishment openings and closings
Number of startups and firm shutdowns
Census Bureau
General Survey Information
Census Bureau
Census Bureau