Metadata: Identification and Summary
Federal Justice Statistics Program: Offenders Admitted to Prison, 1994 [United States]
Program title
Federal Justice Statistics Program Data Series
The data contain records of sentenced offenders committed to the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) during fiscal year 1994. The data include commitments of United States District Court, violators of conditions of release (e.g., parole, probation, or supervised release violators), offenders convicted in other courts (e.g., military or District of Columbia courts), and persons admitted to prison as material witnesses or for purposes of treatment, examination, or transfer to another authority. These data include variables that describe the offender, such as age, race, citizenship, as well as variables that describe the sentences and expected prison terms. The data file contains original variables from the Bureau of Prisons' SENTRY database, as well as "SAF" variables that denote subsets of the data. These SAF variables are related to statistics reported in the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, Tables 7.9-7.16. Variables containing identifying information (e.g., name, Social Security Number) were replaced with blanks, and the day portions of date fields were also sanitized in order to protect the identities of individuals. These data are part of a series designed by the Urban Institute (Washington, DC) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Data and documentation were prepared by the Urban Institute.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Bureau of Justice Statistics
General Survey Information
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Persistent identifier