Metadata: Identification and Summary
FRSS 106: School Safety and Discipline, 2013–14
Alternative title
FRSS 106
Program title
Fast Response Survey System
School Safety and Discipline, 2013–14 (FRSS 106) is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data are available since 1998–99 at <>. FRSS 106 ( is a study that provides nationally representative data on safety and discipline in public schools. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed on paper or online. Public schools in each level (elementary, middle, high school, and combined) were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 85%. Key statistics produced from FRSS 106 will provide information on specific safety and discipline plans and practices; training for teachers and aides related to school safety and discipline issues; use of law enforcement or security personnel on school grounds; frequency of specific discipline problems; and the number of incidents of various crimes that occurred during the 2013–14 school year.
General Survey Information
National Center for Education Statistics
Additional information about restricted data file
National Center for Education Statistics