ECLS-K First Grade Restricted-Use Child File



The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) focuses on children's...
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Metadata: Identification and Summary


ECLS-K First Grade Restricted-Use Child File

Alternative title

ECLS-K Cross Sectional 1st Grade


The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) focuses on children's early school experiences beginning with kindergarten and following children through middle school. The ECLS-K data provide descriptive information on children's status at entry to school, their transition into school, and their progression through 8th grade. The longitudinal nature of the ECLS-K data enables researchers to study how a wide range of family, school, community, and individual factors are associated with school performance. The base year data were collected in the fall and spring of 1998-99 school year when the sampled children were in kindergarten. Two more waves of data were collected in the fall and spring of the 1999-2000 school year when most, but not all, of the base year children were in first grade. The release contains an electronic code book (ECB), a restricted-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the fall and spring first grade waves of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.

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