Standard Statistical Establishment Listing (SSEL)/County Business Patterns Business Register (CBPBR)



The Standard Statistical Establishment Listing (SSEL)/County Business Patterns Business Register (CB...
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Standard Statistical Establishment Listing (SSEL)/County Business Patterns Business Register (CBPBR)
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The Standard Statistical Establishment Listing (SSEL)/County Business Patterns Business Register (CBPBR) is a multi-relational database that contains a record for each known establishment that is located in the United States or one of its territories and has paid employees. The CBPBR is a replacement for the previously released Standard Statistical Establishment List (SSEL) files. CBPBR files contain similar information to that available in the former SSEL files. Additional improvements include vintage consistent (2012) NAICS industry codes based on the Fort-Klimek methodology, better longitudinal linkages and more carefully modelled retiming of establishment births. The CBPBR is created by matching a business register extract with a County Business Patterns extract. The file is part of the suite of SSEL files used to standardize input for linking across datasets. Use of this dataset requires Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approval. The Census Bureau will coordinate all additional necessary reviews.
Census Bureau