Metadata: Identification and Summary
Monthly Retail Trade Survey
Alternative title
The Monthly Retail Trade Survey provides current estimates of sales at retail and food services stores and inventories held by retail stores. The United States Code, Title 13, authorizes this survey and provides for voluntary responses. Retail firms provide data on dollar value of retail sales and end-of-month inventories. These data are widely used throughout government, academic, and business communities. The Bureau of Economic Analysis uses the estimates to calculate Gross Domestic Product. The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the estimates to develop consumer price indexes and productivity measurements. The Council of Economic Advisers uses the estimates to analyze current economic activity. The Federal Reserve Board uses the estimates to assess recent trends in consumer purchases. The media use the estimates to report news of recent consumer activity. Financial and investment companies use the estimates to measure recent economic trends. The MRTS contributes to two designated principal economic indicators. This survey is an integral component of the Advance Monthly Retail Trade Survey and the Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales Report.
Census Bureau
General Survey Information