Metadata: Identification and Summary
Quarterly Financial Report (Census years)
Alternative title
The Quarterly Financial Report Census Years (QFRCEN) program collects and publishes quarterly aggregate statistics on the financial results and position of U.S. corporations. Based upon a sample survey, the QFR presents estimated statements of income and retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios. The QFRCEN must be used if the Economic Census data is being used for a project. The QFRCEN contains data only for the Economic Census years.
The QFR covers:
1) Corporations that have a plurality of business activity in manufacturing industries, and domestic assets of $250,000 and over.
2) Corporations that have a plurality of business activity in mining, wholesale trade, retail trade, or selected service industries, and domestic assets of $50 million and over.
3) Corporations that are above industry specific receipt cut-off values.
The statistical data are classified by industry and by asset size.
Use of this data requires Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approval. The Census Bureau will coordinate all additional necessary reviews.
Census Bureau
General Survey Information