HUD Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC)



The Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) dataset is an annual extract from HUD's admin...
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Metadata: Identification and Summary

HUD Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC)
Alternative title
The Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) dataset is an annual extract from HUD's administrative system that manages financial controls over Indian Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Public Housing programs. Indian Housing ensures that safe, decent and affordable housing is available to Native American families and creates economic opportunities for Tribes and Indian housing residents. Housing Choice Vouchers allow very low-income families to choose and lease or purchase safe, decent, and affordable privately-owned rental housing. Pubic housing provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. The PIC file contains information on all members of each household with a participant in a covered program. Variables include age, race, sex, household relationships, rent, and household income. PIC files includes the following information for the head of household and all other members of the household: Full Name, SSN, date of birth, sex, race, address, date the information was collected, date members of household moved, length of time at the address, date of certification, type of certification, contract rent, gross rent, total tenant payment, previous address, and effective date.
Census Bureau
Census Bureau
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