Current Population Survey Computer and Internet Use Supplement



The Current Population Survey (CPS) Computer and Internet Use Supplement collects household informat...
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Metadata: Identification and Summary

Current Population Survey Computer and Internet Use Supplement
Alternative title
The Current Population Survey (CPS) Computer and Internet Use Supplement collects household information from all eligible CPS households, as well as person information from household members 3 years old and over. Data are provided about the household's computer and internet use and about each household member's use of the internet from any location in the past year. It also asked about a random respondent's use of the Internet. The universe consists of all persons in the civilian noninstitutional population of the United States living in households. The probability sample selected to represent the universe consists of approximately 56,000 households. The project review timeframes above do not apply to applications that request access to confidential data assets commingled with data that are either not owned, or are only co-owned, by the statistical agency(s) or unit(s) and require approval from third parties not subject to this policy (e.g., state and local government agencies).
Census Bureau